30 January, 2011

Capsaicin Tattoo

People stare at my foot all the time and wait a moment before saying "I heart what? Is that cursive?"  It is especially pleasing when people think I got an "i <3 (some guys name)" tattooed on me when in fact haha people it is a molecule! It is the molecular form of Capsaicin (pronounced kæpˈseɪ.ɨsɪn) which in lament terms is what makes peppers spicy. Pure capsaicin is odorless and colorless, it is pure heat which is actually understood through receptors to the brain. From what I have learned from research and speaking with doctors it is actually a memory thing, by that I mean the receptors tell your brain that it is hot when it is not actually burning you. The more you consume capsaicin or spicy things the more you can tolerate. This is especially important to me because at the tolerance of capsaicin I can handle for instance I really get to enjoy the flavor of the pepper. Basically what I am telling you is just keep eating Jalapenos and you'll get to Habaneros and then eventually Jolokia and then get your hands on this new pepper the Naga Viper!

My friend and I both got this tattoo about a year ago at a place in the Haight in San Francisco called Braindrops. We are both really happy with how they turned out (both mine on my foot and hers on her back) especially considering it was small simple lines. I will be back to Braindrops for my next...probably something travel or effervescence related. : ]

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